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Selasa, 15 September 2009

Download Black Template 4 Column Style

Black Template, 4 Column blogger template

Download Black Template 4 Column Style

o Type: Blogger layout (XML)
o Type column: 4 column template
o Default Template colors: Black, white and orange
o Template Width: 980 pixels

Term Of Service

By downloading and using the template from us, you agree to the rules that we Create.

1. "Colourfull Rounded Template - Black" is free to download.
2. You may not sell our templates to other people or other companies without permission from us.
3. You should not put the download link in the web or blog, please link to a web page that we created for downloading our template.
4. You are allowed to modify in part or whole of the form template.
5. You can use our template for the personal use or for company.
6. You are not allowed to remove a link to our web Credits on the footer on the template.

Thank you for your cooperation ..

To make the display read more on your posting, you live to follow step-step below.

1. Go to the settings tab, then tab to format

2. Slide the scroll to the bottom of the Format tab, and enter the code below into the post template column:

<span class="fullpost">


3. Then click the save settings.

4. Then when you write your post, place the posts that appear on the front page above the code <span class="fullpost">

5. Put the rest of the posts (Nb: The post that will only be visible if the read more click the link it) between the code <span class="fullpost"> </span>

6. Done ^ ^

When you have a problem in editing this template for your blog, do not hesitate, hesitate to leave a message in the comments this post .. thank's.
Black Template, 4 Column blogger template

Dog template 3 Column blogger template

Hi all. Another blogger/blogspot template for you today.
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Technology template

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Today I share it for all ^_^
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About this template
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Convert from: Software tutorials (or Mobile reviews )
Price: Free
Download: Here
Do not remove the footer
If you want to say : "Thank you" to me, you can add my blog to your blogrolls
Thanks !!!
Post your comment about this template, you might get more template ^_^
3 columns template, Cool Template

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